A controversial new Egyptian capital city is being built 30 miles east of ... For seven decades, the military has ruled Egypt from buildings designed during the "semi-colonial, semi-liberal ...
The Capital International Airport is designed to ease congestion at Cairo's airports and serve as a new regional hub. The Egypt International Olympic City, still in the planning stages ...
An ancient capital, lost under the sand for more ... DeAgostini/Getty Images Once Egypt's largest city, it dates back to King Akhenaten’s father, Amenhotep III, who ruled during a golden age ...
The skeleton belonged to a child who lived at Amarna more than 3,300 years ago, when the site was Egypt’s capital. The city was founded by Akhenaten, a king who, along with his wife Nefertiti ...
Thebes was once ancient Egypt's capital and the cultic center of its most prominent god: Amun. It also was home to one of the largest temple precincts in the ancient world: Karnak. Record-Breaking ...
Egypt is building a new administrative capital from the ground up ... over a growing budget and questions about who this new city benefits. Photo: Ahmed Gomaa/Zuma Press Breaking Ground digs ...
ACUD Joins Forces with Live Nation Middle East and TicketsMarche to Bring Global Talent to the New Administrative City ...
Since Islamist rebels overthrew the Assad dictatorship in Syria, Egypt, with parallels in its own recent history, has watched ...
Piye became the first pharaoh of Egypt’s 25th dynasty (ca 770-656 ... then the second city of the Kingdom of Kush, whose capital was at Napata. 3rd Century B.C. As space in Meroë’s south ...