The trailer for 'Meet The Mehta Boys' reveals an emotional journey of a father-son relationship filled with conflict and reconciliation. Directed by Boman Irani, the film premieres on Prime Video on ...
The official trailer of The Mehta Boys, a family drama starring Boman Irani, Avinash Tiwary and Shreya Chaudhry, has been unveiled ahead of the film's release on OTT.
The first full trailer of The Mehta Boys is here, and it promises a heartfelt and layered story about a father-son relationship. Directed by Irani, the film will premiere on Prime Video in February.
Later in the episode, we saw The Rookie: Feds alums Kevin Zegers and Devika Bhise bring their romantically linked FBI Special Agent Brendon Acres and forensics expert Antoinette Benneteau to the ...