We’ll get to why shortly. But if, as I suggest, the aim of Christianity is not eternal spiritual life in heaven when you die, from where did this view come? Very briefly, you may have heard of an ...
Few people who believe in God have not asked themselves, "What will Heaven be like? Are there divisions of glory in the heavens?" Knowing some answers could help us live better lives while we are here ...
2. Repent of Your Sin Repentance is a key step in receiving eternal life. It involves turning away from sin and choosing to follow Christ. "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near." (Matthew 4 ...
In this prayer Christ himself bears witness to the life and immortality to which ... a dwelling not made with hands, eternal in heaven. After a time of silence, all join in prayers of intercession ...
"Indeed, this is the will of my Father, that everyone who looks upon the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life. Him I will ... beautiful and glorious in heaven! "They who humble ...
Christians find many reasons in the Bible to believe in life after death. They include the following. Eternal life - Jesus promised that his followers would have eternal life. Jesus said ...