Follow these steps to use the Free Google Flight Simulator in Windows: Install the Google Earth application and launch it. Once the application opens, navigate to Tools > Enter Flight Simulator or ...
As [Alberto Marnetto] explains in a recent blog post, decompiling Stunt Island and poking around at the code allows one to improve the graphical detail level in the flight simulator by approximate ...
A big thanks to all FlightGear developers, especially those of the 737-800YV, 787, and MD-11. Your work has been crucial to the progress of this aircraft and ...
The Department Flight Dynamics and Simulation explores the dynamic characteristics of aircraft and their interaction with the cockpit crew. The aim is to achieve a safe, economically efficient ...
Flight Simulation is an exciting and integral part of aviation, supporting training, engineering development, academia, research and manufacturing, bringing together ...
Flight yokes are key to getting an authentic experience when playing a flight simulator, but [Michel Rechtin] didn’t want to pay big money for a commercially-available solution. He ended up ...