This Week In Games! is written from idyllic Portland by Jean-Karlo Lemus. When not collaborating with Anime News Network, Jean-Karlo can be found playing JRPGs, eating popcorn, watching v-tubers, and ...
Can you answer every question on “Jeopardy!”? Do you consider yourself a walking encyclopedia or show up for every trivia night in town? If so, then you just might have the skills necessary to take on ...
James Gunn is putting on a pair of red pants, grabbing the Lasso of Truth, and lighting up the Bat-Signal, as the man behind the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Gua ...
"I knew that there were some jokes that were, like, mean. But meaner than they were funny," Pratt said. "If it's a joke, it's funny. But if it's mean for the sake of being mean," she said ...
(This is not an insult—I love a good “beach read” as much as the next person—just a statement of fact.) His industry of buried secrets relies on characters who have been kept in the dark for most of ...
He has a funny take on his "favorite character" The Hulk, but he makes a great point. My favorite character of all time is the Incredible Hulk. I’ve always been a Hulk fan. When I was a kid ...
The reaction from the cricketing world was swift. Former Australian captain Ricky Ponting, speaking on 7 Cricket, argued that the punishment was too lenient. "Personally, I do not think it [the ...
Virat Kohli was humiliated by Australian media, and labelled a "crybaby," in the wake of the incident involving Sam Konstas in Melbourne. When Virat Kohli arrived in Perth last month, potentially ...