This Week In Games! is written from idyllic Portland by Jean-Karlo Lemus. When not collaborating with Anime News Network, Jean-Karlo can be found playing JRPGs, eating popcorn, watching v-tubers, and ...
Playing games as a family can be very entertaining for kids. “Would you rather” questions for kids is one of the many such ...
Can you answer every question on “Jeopardy!”? Do you consider yourself a walking encyclopedia or show up for every trivia night in town? If so, then you just might have the skills necessary to take on ...
André Lembwa is the lead in the new TV show The Lembwas, that will premiere on Cartoon Network later this week ...
Christopher Nolan is underrated as a comedic director, with lost of funny moments littering his The Dark Knight trilogy that ...
James Gunn is putting on a pair of red pants, grabbing the Lasso of Truth, and lighting up the Bat-Signal, as the man behind the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Gua ...
The Simpsons is such a good show that even minor Simpsons characters are often better than the lead characters on The post ...
"I knew that there were some jokes that were, like, mean. But meaner than they were funny," Pratt said. "If it's a joke, it's funny. But if it's mean for the sake of being mean," she said ...
(This is not an insult—I love a good “beach read” as much as the next person—just a statement of fact.) His industry of buried secrets relies on characters who have been kept in the dark for most of ...
He has a funny take on his "favorite character" The Hulk, but he makes a great point. My favorite character of all time is the Incredible Hulk. I’ve always been a Hulk fan. When I was a kid ...
The reaction from the cricketing world was swift. Former Australian captain Ricky Ponting, speaking on 7 Cricket, argued that the punishment was too lenient. "Personally, I do not think it [the ...
Virat Kohli was humiliated by Australian media, and labelled a "crybaby," in the wake of the incident involving Sam Konstas in Melbourne. When Virat Kohli arrived in Perth last month, potentially ...