The commandment of sanctifying the month is not merely a technical instruction for those who establish the calendar on how ...
Genesis 1 does not treat the creation of the male followed by the creation of the female. God creates humanity, “male and female he created them.” If you pay close attention to the relevant ...
Chris Tomlin revealed his “Worship Under The Stars” tour which will take place exclusively in outdoor venues with an open view of the sky.
Last week, we broached the doctrine of creation by emphasizing the distinctive teaching of Judaism and Christianity: everything that exists comes from the hand of God. While the question of how ...
Brahma, in Hindu cosmology, is the creator of the universe, symbolizing wisdom, purity, and creation. He disseminates spiritual knowledge through which a new enlightened consciousness can be formed.
God made everything God made everything good God made humanity as the highpoint of creation Fundamentalist Christians believe that as the Bible comes directly from God, everything in it must be ...
The multi-award winning Gospel artist Steve Wazisomo Muliya has hinted the need for people to depend on God despite sailing through different challenges. Muliya says finger pointing at authorities ...
The song, "The Twelve Days of ... man's fall into sin and the great love of God in sending a Savior. The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation. Seven swans a-swimming represented ...
Said Mitchell of the track, “There came a point when I heard a Dylan song called ‘Positively 4th Street’ and I thought, ‘Oh my God, you can write about anything in songs.’ It was like a ...
Musk reflected on the origins of the universe, suggesting that the concept of God could apply to the creation of the cosmos. "If you say, where did the universe come from? How is it created?
In its aftermath, Griswold's account of Washington prayerfully adding "so help me God" to the presidential oath became part of America's Christian creation myth. The Pledge of Allegiance (United ...