Fee simple and leasehold are two important types of property ownership. Fee simple gives full ownership rights, while leasehold comes with more restrictions, similar to a rental agreement.
Hawaii’s five cent beverage container fee has been incentivizing recycling since 2005 when it was established. A new bill introduced this legislative session seeks to increase that incentive to ...
HONOLULU (KHON2) — Hawaii’s five cent beverage container fee has been incentivizing recycling since 2005 when it was established. A new bill introduced this legislative session seeks to ...
Question: Ahead of the storm we checked our disaster kit and found alkaline batteries (Duracell D8) that were best by March 2015. We’re replacing them, but my question is what can we do with the ...
Although the lease extension application calls the Hilo terminal “a critical part of the company’s operations” and claims that the company has long-term plans to get the fuel tanks ...
HONOLULU (KHON2) — Hawaii’s five cent beverage container fee has been incentivizing recycling since 2005 when it was established. A new bill introduced this legislative session seeks to increase that ...
Element Environmental LLC,* Aiea, Hawaii (W9128A-25-D-0001); Helber Hastert & Fee Planners Inc.,* Honolulu, Hawaii (W9128A-25-D-0002); SSFM-MNA LLC, Honolulu,* Hawaii ...