The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) could consider bringing UPFs under regulation with a clear definition and standards, including stricter labelling requirements, the Economic ...
Ultra-processed foods are essentially industrially prepared ready-to-eat formulations that are derived from a limited variety of crops such as wheat or soy, and contain additives for enhancement of ...
If we can make these changes, we can continue to eat Indian food without any worries. It has the potential to be an extremely healthy diet, as long as we plan our meals and practice portion control.
Trying to cut down on sugar intake by avoiding sweets and tea/coffee but failing to see the results, then it's time to glance through your daily diet and strike out the day-to-day food that has hidden ...
Varanasi: In a study, distinguished scholar of Banaras Hindu University and Vice Chancellor of BR Ambedkar Bihar University, Prof Dinesh Chandra Rai, .