“A mate of mine actually filmed it and the whole possum was actually in its body and I thought I’ll come back and have a look but it had already moved on,” she said. “I wondered how far it ...
Isaac Martlew discovered the tiny ringtail possum, cold, shivering and alone, in the early hours of Monday morning. He plucked the little baby from the ground and brought it into his car in a ...
So I'm gonna hand it over to Becky and let's see what the weather's gonna do. Yeah, so I don't know, have you guys kind of heard of our opossum tradition that we do here? So we do have Birmingham Bill ...
To this comment, the OP replied, "I totally agree it's not just about a cute baby name, it's about her future as an adult. I'll probably drop it now to keep the peace, but it's reassuring to know ...