周一,摩根大通分析师Harry Gowers将International Consolidated Airlines Group SA (IAG:SM) (OTC: ICAGY)的目标价从之前的5.00英镑上调至5.50英镑,同时重申对该股票的增持评级。Gowers强调IAG是该公司2025年的首选,理由是自去年3月以来表现出色,航空公司股价上涨140%,而SXXP指数仅上涨5%。
导读:英国品牌评估咨询公司“品牌金融” (Brand Finance)发布“Brand Guardianship Index 2025”,评选出年度全球百大企业CEO (the world's top 100 Executive Leaders),微软纳德拉排名第一,苹果库克排名第二,英伟达黄仁勋排名第三。中国排名最高的是小米雷军在第八位,比亚迪王传福也进入了前十名。
Snake soup is considered the commoner’s tonic and a specialty in Cantonese cuisine. Ser Wong Fun was founded in 1895 in Nanhai District, Guangdong. After relocating to Gilman’s Bazaar in Central in 19 ...