Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
For the 1-jiao coin of the 2019 edition, the typeface of the denomination numeral on the obverse is adjusted, with the floral pattern on the reverse scaled down proportionately. Major elements remain ...
论文从投稿到接收,说难不难,说简单也不完全简单。今天,我们用一篇真实顶刊论文的三轮审稿,以及作者两次返修的详细经过,带你了解论文是如何经过大修小修最终顺利发表的! 首先说说审稿意见。 审稿意见一般分为总体评价和逐条意见。 ◆ 总体评价主要是整体评价文章,包括优缺点,给出总体意见,如“接受(Accept)”、“大修(Major)”、“小修(Minor)”或“拒稿(Reject)”。 ◆ 逐条意见就是 ...
杜鹃花属(Rhododendron)是杜鹃花科中最大的属,也是为数不多的在亚高山到高山过渡带的植物群落中占主导地位的木本开花物种之一,分布范围从海拔300米至5400米,为探索高山木本植物演化和适应背后的机制提供了绝佳的机会,然而高海拔物种的遗传资源稀缺限制了环境适应分子机制的深入探索。云南大学申仕康教授研究团队成功 ...