If you have an aging computer and want to repurpose it, these lightweight Linux distributions will serve you for years to come.
It's inevitable that, at some point, you'll have to replace old computer parts and swap them out for new ones. This might be ...
The default desktop is a bit bland, but it's fairly easy to customize. My friend recently wanted to bring an old laptop back to life. Her aging Intel MacBook was no longer supported by Apple ...
There are two things that keep me from expanding my collecting old computers: the cost and the space required to house them. I do have my old original TRS-80, and an old serial terminal (see the ...
It sounds like he didn’t finish it, but he found the old boards and decided to recreate it on a breadboard. Like many computers of the day, the machine had a cassette interface. We really like ...
But that old phone can find new life with a new task — turn it into a remote system monitor that lets you peer inside a Windows computer to see that machine's vital stats. I have an ulterior ...