Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Gown of black faced with yellow, the hood is black of the Cambridge design with lining of yellow, the birretum is black velvet with yellow cord. Official Dalhousie academic ...
The tassel color is gold. PhD Degree candidates wear a solid black tam and gown and a hood. The gown is faced down the front with PhD Blue velvet and three bars of velvet are used across the bell ...
The doctoral hoods are part of the cap and gown order from Herff Jones. The color of the hood corresponds to the student's school and major. If you are a graduating commissioning officer or veteran, ...
University-approved caps, gowns, tassels and hoods must be rented from the "Commencement task list” tab via myPurdue. This tab will appear after you apply to graduate and when the task list opens.
The president’s robe is based on the traditional purple doctoral gown of Northwestern University. The sleeves are trimmed with four black velvet chevrons outlined in gold braid. The hood is lined with ...