文/VR陀螺 Welkin 又到了一年一度的年终盘点时刻,2024年在传统游戏圈算不上“游戏大年”,但《黑神话 悟空》的横空出世还是惊艳了无数国人乃至全球玩家,更在国内引发了社会级的出圈效应。在VR游戏领域,年初问世的Vision ...
Winner of VR GOTY at the 2020 DICE Awards ... Tetris Effect is cheaper than many other games in the PlayStation Store, too, so it won’t break the bank if you don’t already own the game.
VR 射击游戏《COLD VR》原定于 1 月 21 日发布,但近日发行商 Perp Games 和开发商 ALLWARE 相继宣布,该游戏的发布时间将推迟。虽然具体时间尚未确定,但预计推迟时间为 1 到 3 周。Perp Games ...
前索尼互动娱乐(SIE)全球工作室总裁吉田修平在离职后接受了Kinda Funny Games的采访。在被问及PS VR2时,吉田不仅不想过多地谈论它,甚至想忘记它的存在,因为PS VR2过于失败。
Of course, the popular rhythm game Beat Saber made its way to PS VR2, as well as VR functionality for Capcom's Resident Evil 4, but when it comes to first-party releases, it's been pretty dire.
Four of the five Premium-exclusive games this month are older titles, all originally released before the PS4 era. The fifth, Synapse, is newer but is exclusive to VR users. This isn't the first ...
Naturally, Sony has also delivered groundbreaking games for franchises like Uncharted ... Another improvement to the second-generation PS VR is the ease of the setup. Instead of complex wire ...
The $250 discount is unsurprisingly the best price yet on the PlayStation VR 2. The headset without the game is also selling for $349, though there's no reason to pick that one unless the Horizon ...