Beginning in Kindergarten and continuing into the first grade. Children should be explicitly taught the process of blending individual sounds into words. From then onwards children should be ...
The results are “dramatic,” said Devin Kearns, a professor in early literacy at North Carolina State University, who was not involved with the study. Gains from UFLI are equivalent to 8 months of ...
Today, children are taught to read using phonics, which is all about the sounds that make up words. Children start by learning the letters and the sounds they make, and how to put them together to ...
Simple words like "the" and "of" are everywhere, but don't follow regular phonics patterns. How should teachers approach them?
With phonics, you learn to sound out the word ... Our daughter finished her second kindergarten year in public school before beginning first grade at a local Catholic school.
Students from other kindergarten classrooms … not so much ... Our first meeting was not auspicious. She was dedicated to phonics first, while I was still — albeit now a bit wobbly — in the “make it ...