At first glance, the inclusion of “iyun” or study of prayer alongside respecting one’s father and mother, gemillut chasadim, and bikur cholim on the list of deeds whose observance ensures a ...
To use the guide, find the prayer that corresponds to the current week. Each week of the month contains a unique prayer focus, starting with you and your family and expanding to the world and the ...
On a recent three-hour flight—which turned into a 12-hour layover nightmare—I happened to be reading a new book by Heidi Smith, The Uncommon Book of Prayer: A Guide to Co-Creating With the ...
Whether you are looking for a time of personal reflection, are at a family gathering, or preparing for a church service, we've written and collected some of our favorite Christmas prayers in this ...
Some mourners sat and cried at Aceh’s Ulee Lheue mass grave, where around 14,000 are buried, while some villages held their own prayers around the province as they remembered the tragedy that ...
People started gathering in prayer on Thursday, visiting the mass graves in Indonesia's Aceh province to mark 20 years since the deadly Indian Ocean tsunami, one of modern history's worst natural ...