In the galaxy of Gene Rodenberry's 59-year-old "Star Trek" franchise, humanity enjoys an idyllic, utopian, primary-colored future in which a non-lethal phaser and a persuasive argument can put an end ...
Star Trek is a multi-generational franchise and cultural touchstone that has turned into a streaming juggernaut. By subscribing to Paramount+ , you get access to every TV show and movie in the ...
But the truth is far more simple: Star Trek: The Original Series is really, really good. Honestly, most of season one and two are good to great (also, there’s a third season!) but these 20 ...
A Discovery-era Klingon in Star Trek: Lower Decks. “The history that nobody talks about is that in almost every show, there has been a change in the way the Klingons look. And what Discovery did ...