The City of Whitehorse is preparing to publish a list of 118 properties owing a total balance of $272,139.23 in taxes and associated penalties to the city.
This will steadily increase the amount you owe. Failure to address the issue promptly can lead to a tax lien on your property. A tax lien gives the government a legal claim on your property.
Income tax and National Insurance collected through the PAYE (Pay As You Earn) system represents the largest single source of government funding. The successful operation of PAYE is therefore ...
The ingredients of a general lien are given below. It extends to a general balance of accounts. It is a right of defence, not a right of action. It also extends to prior transactions. It extends to ...
“I believe it is a positive move in theory – in reality it won’t make much of a difference,” says British expat Eamon Shahir on plans in Spain to impose a 100 per cent tax on properties ...