Rotorua's official Waitangi Day event, "Mō te aroha o te iwi - For the Love of the People," is hosted by Te Paratehoata Marae ...
If immigration were underpinned by manaakitanga, manuhiri would be seen as more than just an economic contribution or cost ...
February 6 marks the 185th anniversary of the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (Treaty of Waitangi). To commemorate Aotearoa ...
According to new 100-year-old Mary Mathis, the answer to that quintessential question is: “Don’t spend all your time trying ...
A shortlist of 13 acts will perform at the family-friendly Moana Music Open Mic Competition free public event on 9 February.
Mary, of Swiss heritage, was born in Te Aroha on January 10, 1925, the youngest of eight. She spent most of her life with her ...
Summer is heating up with the long-awaited second drop of Kia Kaha Te Reo Māori kākahu (clothing) landing at The Warehouse just in time for Waitangi Day.
Bille Akuhata and daughter Terēhia are getting on with life in Tolaga Bay as the first Tairāwhiti mum and baby of 2025.
"I hope that music may do the mahi (work) that conversation cannot, and that it may broaden and deepen our sense of interconnectedness" ...
Marlon Williams (Kāi Tahu, Ngāi Tai) next album ‘Te Whare Tīwekaweka’ will be his first album entirely in the Māori language.
Bridget Kelly / Chris Prosser / Peter Liley - Improvised music with Bridget Kelly (reeds), Chris Prosser (violin) and Peter Liley (saxophones). Playing together and in mixed duos.Bridget ...
We get the resistance to streaming. You're paying not to own music, just rent it. And physical media is so much better in so many ways – sound quality, tactility, artwork, a deeper connection with the ...