With Assassin's Creed Shadows changing the series' approach to viewpoints, perhaps those changes would befit another Ubisoft ...
《刺客信条:影》将于3月20日发售,近日本作登上PS5商店首页,玩家选中PlayStation Store版块即可查看。游戏名上方还附有醒目的“万众期待”标签,简介中提到“在美丽开放世界中扮演两个类型截然不同的盟友”。
There are many excellent open-world games on the Nintendo Switch, with the following releases being the best of the best.
This week saw the return of the first 2 Sims games, the revelation that another big open-world samurai game is coming to PC alongside Assassin’s Creed Shadows, and YouTube allowing controversial ...