沪指1月23日上涨0.51%,申万所属行业中,今日上涨的有14个,涨幅居前的行业为银行、非银金融,涨幅分别为2.30%、1.33%。跌幅居前的行业为电子、通信,跌幅分别为1.48%、1.48%。国防军工行业位居今日跌幅榜第三。 国防军工行业今日下跌0.87%,全天主力资金净流出8.92亿元,该行业所属的个股共139只,今日上涨的有50只,涨停的有1只;下跌的有85只,跌停的有1只。以资金流向数据进 ...
Digital storage and memory enable all of our consumer devices and applications, whether running on a local device or from the cloud. My next blogs will look at various digital storage products and ...
Call it iPhone Storage Creep. As cameras get better, the photos and videos they capture get bigger. Software updates are increasing in size, too. The latest iOS 18.2 upgrade requires 7 gigabytes ...
David Kindness is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and an expert in the fields of financial accounting, corporate and individual tax planning and preparation, and investing and retirement planning.