Alien: Earth’, the highly anticipated Hulu series, marks the return of the sci-fi classic. Following the events of the new movie, this new production will focus on the arrival of the Xenomorphs on our ...
I just want to highlight, briefly, the news that the reboot of The Toxic Avenger is, finally, getting a theatrical release this year. I say “finally” because the film made the festival rounds way back ...
Horror can be a tricky genre to perfect in the anime world. One of the latest examples proved just that as Junji Ito’s Uzumaki hit the ground floor running with its premiere episode but failed to ...
“Brave the Dark” — (Drama, PG-13, 112 minutes). While living in a world of darkness because of torturous childhood memories, Nate ends up in jail. After his drama teacher bails him out and offers to ...