目前,该系列已经发表两篇报道。第一篇报道,是一名城建国企员工的故事。他在被拖欠大半年工资、微信零钱一分不剩、公司天台跳楼未遂后,每晚下班推着三轮车卖烧烤。他傍晚六点出摊,深夜两点回家,睡到凌晨五点就爬起来,去菜市场买新鲜的牛羊肉。天亮了,就去上班;第 ...
Pending a Supreme Court ruling, the U.S. government’s crackdown on TikTok might end the app’s availability in U.S. app stores this weekend. The looming ban has prompted American users to seek a new ...
A self-deprecating description of individual investors who re-invest in the stock market after initial losses; also used to address youth disillusionment and endemic government corruption.
Ermeiyaoxiaodao (@二枚腰小道): GFW (Great Firewall of China) has blocked all Google services, including Google Scholar, which is essential to research. If you think this is unacceptable, we ...
Coded support for the Chinese dissident and Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo.
Young, nationalistic netizen who attacks the social media accounts of people perceived to have slighted China, typically as part of a large "expedition" across the Great Firewall to Facebook.
Murong Xuecun is the pen name of writer and anti-censorship activist Hao Qun (郝群). Originally an internet novelist, he has become one of the most prominent China-based critics of Beijing's ...
2024年12月30日,距离开标日18天后,第十批国家药品集中采购结果正式公布。这场集采被业内称为“历史之最”——产品数量历史最多,共493家企业的778个产品参与投标;降价幅度历史最大,多个产品降幅90%以上;药品价格历史最低,阿司匹林肠溶片,中标 ...
小红书上来了美国人,中国和美国的年轻人能够多多交流,对全世界都有好处。但是要知道,即便在中国,小红书也是一个比较小众的平台。想要融入世界,还有很多路要走。前两天,书店来了一个外国朋友。他说自己以前是彭博社记者,“你要写什么报道吗?”“我已经失业了,不 ...
在昔年的Google楼下,有一张卡片上手写了这样的语句:「重重大山阻隔不了我们之间的联络,无论距离多远,我们都会翻过围墙找到你。」15年后,美国的TikTok难民们呼朋唤友的涌入小红书,那颗子弹终于呼啸而来,正中眉心。年轻人的真诚和热忱,永远都是这个 ...
The high-profile kidnapping and rescue of 31-year-old actor Wang Xing from a telecom-scam compound on the border of Myanmar and Thailand has incited heated discussion on the Chinese internet. Wang was ...
One significant dimension of the Chinese government’s transnational repression against Uyghurs is deportations. Recent longform pieces have detailed the journeys of Uyghurs who managed to escape ...