Race and Ethnicity in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick. Captain Ahab’s Pequod is manned by an assemblage of what C.L.R. James calls, in his text of the same title, Mariners, Renegades and Castaways in ...
An examination of the contested category known as 'gnosticism,' the texts found at Nag Hammadi, and the challenges posed by this material to our expectations as we attempt to understand developments ...
Few thinkers have had as broad and deep an influence on modern thought in so short a career as Frantz Fanon, the native of the French Caribbean who ended his life as a fighter in the Algerian ...
Want to make a difference? The Public Interest Fellowship Program offers Summer and Yearlong Fellowships for Colorado College students to experience the Colorado social sector while making direct ...
Cults of masculinity have been intrinsic to South Asian culture for millennia. Whether in ancient vedic literature, or in the heterodox traditions of Buddhism and Jainism and the Hindu epics that ...
Using an international perspective established through selected themes and practices, this course will examine global contemporary art! Topics include the dissolution of boundaries between high art ...
Particular topics in music that require a more advanced background in music theory and history. Specific offerings vary from year to year and focus on periods, composers, areas, or mediums that are ...
Examines the fundamentals of screenwriting: theme and meaning, structure, narrative, dialogue, character development, and revision. Students will read, analyze, and discuss the screenplays for ...
Explores the intersection of developmental psychology and learning theories from early childhood through adolescence. Across the course, the focus is on understanding how development milestones ...