Waukon, Iowa – Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Allamakee County office will be offering three opportunities to attend the Private Pesticide Applicator Continuing Instruction Course (P-CIC ...
Is there a simple and uniform method of figuring a rental rate for pasture and hay land? Probably not, but guidelines are available. Thereare several methods for computing a pasture rental rate, and ...
Machinery and equipment are major cost items in farm businesses. Larger machines, new technology, higher prices for parts and new machinery, and higher energy prices have all caused machinery and ...
Knowing your farm’s Corn Suitability Rating index (CSR2) provides you with valuable insight into its potential productivity. The CSR2 system is unique to Iowa and originally created to equalize tax ...
Judging Teams help youth to develop life skills in the areas of decision making, critical thinking, oral reasoning, self-confidence and problem solving. Youth evaluate a class of four items and then ...
Acceleration clause - A common provision of a mortgage or note providing the lender with the right to demand that the entire outstanding balance be immediately due and payable in the event of default.
As you develop your business plan, a "management team" needs to be pulled together, with serious thought given to the key positions that need to be filled and who should fill them. The path of least ...
Note: the publication below is for informational purposes only, the authors no longer conduct or assist with feasibility studies. Growth and recognition of project management have changed ...