Connecter les bibliothèques publiques, les centres culturels, les musées, les bureaux de poste et les services d’archives Selon les indicateurs de l’UIT, le taux global de pénétration du téléphone ...
The ITU-R Recommendations constitute a set of international technical standards developed by the Radiocommunication Sector (formerly CCIR) of the ITU. They are the result of studies undertaken by ...
ITU’s Measuring digital development: Facts and Figures 2024 offers a snapshot of the most important ICT indicators, including estimates for the current year. This year’s edition shows that Internet ...
As the world is welcoming its 8 billionth inhabitant, 5.3 billion people – or 66 per cent of the total global population – are online, while 2.7 billion are still offline [1]. At the same time, three ...
Like most technology-driven industries, the telecommunications sector has historically been characterized by steady growth punctuated by an occasional leap forward, usually when a new communications ...
Former ITU-T Y.2221 renumbered as ITU-T Y.4105 on 2016-02-05 without further modification and without being republished. In force ...
He has been very active in promoting the digitalization of the sound broadcasting and contributed to develop the first DAB standard. Within the ITU he was very well known, he has been Vice Chair of ...
This page features all ITU-D Publications released in 2023. For the latest publications, click here. Publications from previous years, can be found in the ITU-D publications archive.
Cuando se habla de Charles Wheatstone se suele pensar en un circuito que lleva su nombre: el puente de Wheatstone y que, de hecho, no inventó. Lo que hizo en realidad fue difundir la utilización ...
Dans les pays en développement en particulier, la téléphonie mobile joue un rôle crucial pour mettre les services à la disposition d’une grande partie de la population. Néanmoins, il reste encore ...
En Tampere, ciudad de Finlandia situada a 200 km al norte de Helsinki, 225 delegados de 75 países se congregaron en junio de 1998 en el marco de la Conferencia Intergubernamental sobre ...
El Sector de Normalización de la UIT (UIT-T) invitó a participar a los actores más importantes en el campo de las tecnologías de acceso a redes a un taller que tenía por objetivo examinar el ...