Diversity of supply in rare disease markets is crucial to reduce the risk of drug shortages and enhance healthcare resilience. Our report outlines how enabling supplier diversity can drive innovation ...
Katherine was awarded a personal chair in health economics at The University of Manchester in August 2010. Katherine’s interest in the economics of precision medicine and genomics technologies and ...
Oriol has built a career in the planning, policy and decision-making environment, participating not just in the micro management, but also being deeply involved on the meso and macro policy areas.
Chris is an expert in economic evaluation. His research focuses on significant methodological and policy challenges relating to the value of interventions and programmes for health. At OHE, Chris’s ...
Ellie is on the fellowship programme with City University, studying Economic Evaluation in Healthcare. She has a BSc in Biochemistry from the University of Bath and worked in the pharmaceutical ...
Siva is chief analyst in the policy team, leading on projects covering NHS funding, finances, productivity and performance. Before joining the Fund in 2017, Siva was head of analysis at NHS Providers ...
Dr. Jacoline Bouvy is the Programme Director of Medicines Evaluation at the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE). She is responsible for the delivery of medicines guidance produced ...