快科技1月7日消息,全新梅赛德斯-AMG GT 63 S E PERFORMANCE跑车正式上市,售价228.55万元。 这款新车搭载了源自F1赛车的E PERFORMANCE混合动力技术,配备后轴140千瓦(190马力)强力电机和6.1千瓦时AMG高性能蓄电池。 结合4.0T双涡轮增压V8发动机与插电式混合动力技术,输出功率高达600千瓦(816马力),峰值扭矩1420牛米,0至100公里加速仅 ...
The rear axle features rear-wheel steering, Dr Frank Emhardt, Senior Manager Vehicle Development AMG GT Model Range, pointing to it, as well as elements like the active front aero and rear chassis ...
but Mercedes-AMG has been able to deliver on the requirements of a more spacious cabin and a larger, 675-litre boot with the former GT’s rear-mounted gearbox no longer eating into the available ...
Though it shares a name with the Mercedes-AMG GT 2-Door sports car, the AMG GT 4-Door actually shares a platform with the E-Class Sedan. It rides on the same 116.2-inch wheelbase as the E-Class ...