"The observable universe is only that part of the ... mass galaxies that have about 10 times less mass … down all the way to dwarf galaxies." At some point, scientists need to define a minimum ...
It’s just the end of the observable universe ... not only because we can see the number of galaxies that fill our universe, but also because it puts it all into scale. Space telescopes like ...
Computer algorithms can model the universe, matching simulations to observations and revealing the distribution of dark ...
It's all thanks to multi-object spectroscopy, which measures the redshift of these galaxies, and hence the distance to them in an expanding universe, in an observed volume of space. With such ...
A hundred years ago, astronomer Edwin Hubble dramatically expanded the size of the known universe. At a meeting of the ...
This is called the “heat death” of the Universe, but you can think of it instead as the death of heat. There will be no more differences in temperature anywhere, which means thermodynamics shuts down, ...
Of course, all of these reports are based ... it will be crucial to proving that the galaxies observed from this data are actually from the early universe. While they may look to be from the ...
"This is how you solve the universe-breaking problem." ...
Uncover the mysteries of galaxies with Rutgers University's new findings on Leo P, a small galaxy that started and stopped ...