Vulvo-Vaginal Candidiasis ("VVC") affects about 75% of women globally, with 138witheach year 138 million women are affected world-wide and 492 million over their lifetime.
Diagnosis and treatment of ductal and/or nipple candidiasis in breastfeeding women is complicated by the variety of symptoms women experience. The differential diagnosis includes candidiasis of ...
Candida may be linked to endometriosis. This may be because it alters the balance of microorganisms in the body and can cause inflammation. Further research is necessary to fully understand the ...
When there is too much yeast, you can have vaginal burning and/or itching and sometimes a sticky, white vaginal discharge. This is called a vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) infection or "yeast ...
Thrush is a common infection seen mostly in babies six months old or younger. You have germs that normally live on or in your body. One of these germs is a yeast called Candida albicans. With a normal ...