Current local time in London (Europe/London timezone). Get information about the Europe/London time zone. Local time and date, DST adjusted (where ever daylight saving time is applicable) current time ...
How will the team who have bought the licence for Europe, honour the brand ... to its edgy aesthetic to its artist-provided music and video samples, SXSW London will more easily be able to ...
A new report says that London is the top city in Europe for the life sciences industry, and ranks third worldwide after Boston and New York in the US. That puts the city above some well-recognised ...
The Fund’s investment objective is to achieve a total return over the medium term, which should be considered as a period of 3-5 years, by predominantly investing in the shares of European companies, ...
For more from London's art world, sign up for our new (free) newsletter and community: Londonist: Urban Palette. Westminster Abbey and Houses of Parliament from ...
The big trade directory for the plastics industry: Inform your customers and business partners about your products and services! 4650 companies are already listed in the directory.