Public health nutritionist Dr Emma Derbyshire has explained how to ward off the chances of getting the infection ...
Most cities, such as Portland where Michelle now lives, do not offer many safe, clean, accessible or free restrooms despite public health experts acknowledging the very real, very ordinary need.
She had no idea what her next move would be. Finally, a woman with whom she had worked reached out and offered her a loft at her home for several days. “But you just feel kind of lost because ...
Pregnant Philippa Wadsworth, 27, was sent home from the hospital after a midwife mistook her painful contractions for a urine ...
CHI Memorial Hospital has added a urinary tract infection clinic to its host of services. The clinic provides comprehensive ...
A mum-of-three was shocked to discover she was suffering from stage four bowel cancer - after doctors told her she had a ...
Zoe Gardner-Lawson was given antibiotics to treat a constant dull backache, but a month later, she was diagnosed with stage ...
If you want relief from an itchy, dry scalp, you have a lot of home remedies to try. Some remedies may already be in your pantry, and most others are easy to acquire. Learn the evidence behind them.
Most UTIs occur in the lower urinary tract; the bladder and the urethra. The condition is common among women and men have lower risks of developing the condition. According to Mayo Clinic ...