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the Codex General Standard for Irradiated Foods and the Recommended International Code of Practice for Radiation Processing of Food. However, important gaps remain, and “generic treatments” need to be ...
Food irradiation is useful because it kills bacteria in food that can make you sick, extending the shelf life of such foods as a result. In the process, it does not make the food radioactive or in ...
Rosatom has developed a new technology for processing irradiated nuclear fuel. The technology of crystallization refining will be implemented at the Module for processing irradiated uranium-plutonium ...
Heavy-ion irradiation, as a novel breeding method ... including strong penetration, extensive sample processing capabilities, and a wide range of mutagenic effects, thereby establishing itself ...
In medical applications that involve using radioactive sources, efforts are made to ensure that irradiation does not cause any long-term effects. This is done by considering: If the half-life ...
In medical applications that involve using radioactive sources, efforts are made to ensure that irradiation does not cause any long-term effects. This is done by considering: If the half-life ...