For the next 10 years, his siblings invested with him, prior to his buying them out. By 1962 Foxley began what would eventually become one of the largest cattle feeding enterprises in the U.S. He ...
Similarly, South Dakota, the seventh largest cattle feeding state, posted the highest January 1 on feed total in data back to 1965. Missouri, though a small feedlot state, also posted the highest ...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) recently issued advance notice of proposed rulemaking titled Price Discovery and Competition in Markets for Fed Cattle is intended to resolve a very serious ...
South Dakota is the nation's fourth largest beef producer and the cattle industry is one of the top leading income sources in the powerhouse of the state's agricultural industry. According ...
A Texas man observed some unusual herd behavior recently, when he came across some cattle at a feedlot that had cornered a coyote against a fence.Russell Bookout, a local welder, described the scene ...
(This data is from the USDA Economic Research Service). Annual Production: $51 million Percent of US total: less than 0.1% Major commodities: miscellaneous crops, floriculture, hay.