Data last updated January 17, 2025. As Ukrainian leaders vow to reclaim all territories seized by Russia, Moscow has prepared extensive defensive measures, particularly in Crimea, a region unlawfully ...
A YouTuber that goes by the handle Dark Space has been working on a mod that adds some of GTA 6's Vice Beach map area into ...
One YouTuber is hard at work making a GTA VI map for GTA V. However, they are worried about having to take it down eventually ...
Seemingly building on the work the GTA community did in trying to draw up the map based on shots from that first trailer, YouTuber Dark Space has been piecing together a re-creation of it that they're ...
YouTuber Dark Space has created a version of Vice Beach and plans to make the Venetian Islands, too, parts of the world that were shown in the GTA 6 trailer. It's been a long time since we had any GTA ...
Vice City via a mod that ports the classic PS2 game to the more modern GTA IV engine. But the mod likely won't be available ...
A Grand Theft Auto superfan is recreating the GTA 6 map in GTA 5 based on the snippets of information released by Rockstar so ...
It's a tight experience, easily playable within five hours, and Liberty City Stories feels that much more compulsive for it.
Grand Taking Ages, a GTA 6 "parody" that uses AI artwork and voice acting, has done enough to convince Valve it should ...
Vice City remaster seeks to bring the Miami-based classic to the GTA 4 engine. It launches incredibly soon, on January 25, ...
Jan. 16—LIBERTY, Texas — Gabriel Burress, 37, of Rye, Texas, was arrested Wednesday, Jan.15, in Liberty County for Unauthorized Harvesting of Timber valued between $500 — $20,000, a state jail felony.
The Liberty City Preservation Project, a recent GTA 5 story mode mod that added GTA 4's map to the former title (along with a lot of other details), has now been removed. It was revealed on the ...