India recorded five cases on Monday, with children diagnosed in Karnataka, Gujarat and Chennai. However, the health ministry ...
Winter creates perfect conditions for viruses to spread. Cold, dry air helps viruses survive longer outside the body, and ...
Many new names sounded as if they’d been cooked up by a medieval monk. HIV-1 would henceforth be known as Lentivirus ...
COVID-19, influenza, RSV, and norovirus—have created what experts are calling a "quad-demic" in the U.S. Here's what to know ...
From RSV to COVID-19, and even Norovirus, Southern Nevada is dealing with a lot of contagious viruses right now.
Following the news of a possible outbreak of human metapneumovirus (HMPV) in China, other countries have reported cases.
A number of viruses are on the rise in North Carolina.
With norovirus surging in New York, here's how to check if your cleaning products are effective at killing the stomach bug.