Action API是一个基于django的API框架,原生支持异步任务处理,不依赖celery这种三方组件。 API封装了request与reponse处理过程,开发者只需写对应action的handler处理方法即可。 API非RESTful设计,这是因为,设计这套框架的初衷,是为了在运维开发领域中使用。而运维开发 ...
A live support chat app for django that lets you chat with visitors to your site through the Django Admin interface. from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns ...
Abstract: Build professional quality web applications using Python and the Django 5.0 web framework. The Django web application framework powers huge sites like Netflix, Dropbox, YouTube, and Spotify.
Book Abstract: Build professional quality web applications using Python and the Django 5.0 web framework. The Django web application framework powers huge sites like Netflix, Dropbox, YouTube, and ...