Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient world slept only 6.5 hours a night.
Modern life makes us tired, right? But research from societies in Africa and South America suggests people in the ancient ...
在英国股票、债券以及英镑遭到抛售之后,英国发行30年期通胀挂钩国债付出了高昂的代价。英国政府周二标售了10亿英镑(12亿美元)通胀挂钩债券,除了通胀率之外,该债券还需要额外支付2.126%的利息,创出2006年以来的最高水平。30年期国债的所谓实际收益率上一次稳定地保持在这个水平附近还是20多年前。随着人们对政府财政和 ...
我们可以透过意识中的变化,大大增进对于自我意识的基础过程的了解。然而长期以来,不同寻常的意识体验要么被主流自然科学所忽视,要么被公开污蔑为凭空捏造或痴人说梦。冥想体验、药物体验、催眠或恍惚状态、甚至听音乐时产生的神秘体验中,对时间和空间的感知都会发生极其强烈的变化。《意识的特殊状态》(Altered States of Consciousness)一书中遍布这样的案例。此外,尽管这种体验及其发生环 ...
Snake soup is considered the commoner’s tonic and a specialty in Cantonese cuisine. Ser Wong Fun was founded in 1895 in Nanhai District, Guangdong. After relocating to Gilman’s Bazaar in Central in 19 ...