A new documentary series titled Marilyn Manson: Unmasked is airing across consecutive nights this week in the UK. Split into three parts, the documentary charts the singer’s rise to stardom and ...
The Channel 4 documentary about Marilyn Manson, 56 - Marilyn Manson: Unmasked - has aired this week, giving a deeper delve into the alarming allegations against him. The doc is split into three ...
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes' is beautiful. It positively glows with sensuality, but it isn't about sex at all. It's about female ...
Channel 4 have announced details of a new Marilyn Manson documentary, which explores his rise to fame and allegations of abuse. The documentary is structured as three episodes and is set to show ...
Channel 4’s three-part documentary about shock rocker Marilyn Manson airs this week, delving into the life and career of the controversial musician as well as the allegations of abuse against him.
Maybe after this documentary, the next time a rock star tells us they’re a monster, we’ll believe them. ‘Marilyn Manson: Unmasked’ airs on 14, 15 and 16 January at 10pm on Channel 4.
Three-part Channel 4 documentary series Marilyn Manson: Unmasked now has an official release date with episodes set to air later this month. It's been announced that the series will air on ...
Channel 4’s three-part documentary about shock rocker Marilyn Manson airs this week, delving into the life and career of the controversial musician as well as the allegations of abuse against him.