Political advisers suggested a three-pronged solution. First, they called for stronger global promotion by aligning ...
"Unapologeically Iris: The Collection of Iris Apfel" è l’asta online di Christie's che celebra uno dei creatori di stile più iconici d’America. La vendita online, che mette in mostra il leggendario ta ...
美媒《纽约时报》(New York Times)公布“2025年全球最值得去的52个地方”。台湾的阿里山排名第19位,中国大陆仅有黄山上榜排名差不多“包尾”的48。另外,泰国《白莲会》(White Lotus,电视剧名,意指苏梅岛、布吉岛等主要取景地 ...
(华盛顿综合电)俄克拉荷马城雷霆(Oklahoma City Thunder)主将亚历山大(Alexander)在新加坡时间星期六(1月4日)上午举行的美国职业篮球联赛(NBA)中砍下33分,带领球队在主场以117比107战胜纽约尼克斯(New York Knicks),取得了14连胜的佳绩。
The charismatic John Leguizamo takes a trip around the United States to celebrate the Hispanic community's thriving history, culture, contributions and struggles.
8月,中国和加州官员在圣迭戈动物园举行的剪彩仪式上。 Ariana Drehsler for The New York Times 去年,旧金山市长伦敦·布里德在与中国领导人习近平共进晚餐后,陪同他前往机场送行。在停机坪上,她提出了自己的要求:大熊猫。 当时,旧金山的动物园正陷入困境。旅游业遭受重创,她面临着艰难的连任竞选。一对来自中国的大熊猫将是政治和公关的胜利。 接下来是几个月的非正式谈判,布 ...
John explores various ways in which Latin culture, though often marginalised, has had a tremendous influence on the nation's culture capital: New York City.