The zoo is bubbling with excitement as it introduces its newest, and possibly cutest, residents: four North American river ...
Have you ever seen an otter play basketball before? They even had little hoops made of stone! Click here to watch the video.
Two rescued sea otters showed off their dunking skills at the Oregon Zoo as they played “basketball,” part of the zoo’s enrichment program for the animals. This footage filmed and posted to ...
FUKUOKA--Only three sea otters remain at aquariums in Japan, and they are now treated like rock stars because of their advancing years. Japan was once home to dozens of the cute mammals.
Sarthana Nature Park and Zoo, known for its successful breeding program of smooth-coated otters in captivity, is now facing an unusual challenge with its white tiger pair. The male tiger ...
However, you can’t go inland and see one of those. Most folks are also probably familiar with the cute and fuzzy sea otters of the West Coast of the U.S. (think “cuddle party” from Finding ...