The Sonic Adventure series marked the 3D debut of Sega's platforming mascot, and to celebrate the hedgehog's arrival on the Dreamcast, the developers at Sonic Team made sure that the leap to the next ...
to see where he came from… a little baby Tails. I would love it. Is it of course amazing to have him with Sonic? For sure, because they are you know… a sidekick/hero combination. They work so ...
including the main trio of Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. Fang the Sniper is a returning character primarily seen in spin-offs who has most recently shown up in Sonic Superstars, 2023’s modern take ...
Three lucky readers will win a must-have Sonic the Hedgehog 3 prize pack which includes a Digital copy of the threequel, an Ultimate Talking Sonic, and more! Here's how you can ...
Play like Sonic, Tails and Metal Sonic in this 2D adventure! In this release the blessed doctor Eggman has returned to do his thing together with Metal Sonic. They have both united their strengths to ...
Overall, there are 15 racers to choose from, including fan favorites such as Sonic, Tails, Shadow, Knuckles, Amy, Big the Cat, Silver, Blaze, and more, each of which falls under a different racing ...
It's not uncommon for the Sonic films to tease new characters with their post-credit sequences. The first installment teased Tails' arrival, for instance. As for the first sequel, its closing ...