Some borrowers with private student loans could receive monetary compensation and other relief under a proposed CFPB judgment ...
A defaulted student loan happens when the borrower does not make payments on their student loan, often for a few months or more. Having a student loan in a default state can have serious ...
Many federal student loan borrowers could face a significant change this year, as missed payments could begin to affect their ...
American student loan debt is sky-high, with some estimates putting the total number over $2.19 trillion—that’s higher than ...
KEY TAKEAWAYS Federal student loan borrowers could see their credit scores suffer for missed payments for the first time ...
If you have had trouble staying on top of your student loan payments and are concerned about the prospect of wage garnishment ...
Because of a recent proposed settlement with the CFPB, some private student loan borrowers may see a stop to collections ...
As Donald Trump returns to the White House, here’s where things stand with student loan forgiveness, and what borrowers ...
Here’s what student loan borrowers struggling to pay their bills need to know about the restart of collections.
Strike the right balance with a payment that makes progress on the debt without stretching your budget too thin.
The choice to refinance your student loans will likely depend on your financial needs. The type of loan may make a difference ...
Trump has not yet offered a clear vision for his higher education priorities, but some GOP lawmakers plan to target Biden's ...