Anime is often dismissed as simply cartoon entertainment. However, many philosophical anime series and films tackle complex philosophical themes that explore the human condition.
SUGAR company, Triangle Limited, will undertake a phased retrenchment programme with the first group leaving at the end of next month amid a tough operating environment, the company said yesterday.
A 25-year-old Triangle woman killed her two daughters ages four and eight by throwing them into a water canal before she attempted to commit suicide, a Chiredzi court has heard. The woman Blessing ...
Tim McLaughlin, managing partner for CoFounders Capital, says entrepreneurs will find willing investors in the coming year. Web Editor : Jodi Leese Glusco ...
BBC One's 'Call the Midwife' returned with a heart-tugging episode that saw the budding midwife Rosalind Clifford, portrayed by Natalie Quarry, subtly reveal her affection for Cyril Robinson ...