日前,Digital Foundry(数毛社)发布《天国:拯救2》评测,该作在PS5 Pro上有着出色的优化。
昨日(2025年1月31日),《漫威蜘蛛侠2》登陆PC平台,但因其优化不佳和频繁的崩溃问题,在Steam商店的好评率仅为58%。官方已紧急发布补丁修复了启用光线追踪时的一些故障。游戏博主ElAnalistaDeBits分享了一段对比视频,展示了PC版 ...
What performance and visuals options can console owners look forwards to in Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2? Digital Foundry goes ...
视频中可以看到,与保真模式下的PSSR相比,DLSS 在性能模式下显示出更好的图像质量。PC版的光追效果有了明显改善,阴影更多,环境遮蔽和反射效果更好。不过PS5 Pro上的某些反射光看起来更加清晰。
While these statements seemingly suggest no 60 FPS on the base PS5, the PS5 pro might be able to run the game at that framerate due to AI up-scaling technology like PSSR.
Nvidia's new GeForce RTX 5090 and 5080 graphic cards promptly sold out on Amazon, Best Buy, and Newegg.
Rockstar developer has spoken about the challenges facing GTA 6 on a technical level, and why a PS5 Pro might be the best way to play the company's magnum opus ...
近期,有关索尼PS5 Pro自发布以来所遭遇的性能问题修复进展成为了游戏玩家关注的焦点。据悉,尽管多款PS5游戏已经针对PS5 Pro进行了适配优化,但在某些特定游戏上的表现仍不尽人意,影响了玩家的游戏体验。
据悉,PS5 Pro相较于普通PS5在GPU性能上提升了45%,这意味着更高的分辨率,更流畅的帧率和更加细腻的图像。然而,在实际游戏体验中,部分热门游戏的表现却出现了卡顿和图形问题,让玩家感到失望。例如《寂静岭2重制版》和《星球大战绝地:幸存者》等游戏,在开启PSSR(一种画质增强技术)后,体验问题尤为突出,令人对这款强劲主机的实际表现产生疑虑。
根据ComicBook的报道,一位参与《Truck Driver: The American ...
PlayStation has reportedly been fixing one of the biggest issues with the PS5 Pro negatively impacting PS5 Pro games.
Sony is reportedly working on PlayStation 6. The recent leaks have provided insights into its features and potential release ...