Directed by the multi-talented Greenlandic artist Laakuluk Williamson Bathory and starring Iqaluit’s Vinnie Karetak and ...
Ten of Canada's top chefs are competing in Ottawa at the end of January for the title of the Canadian Culinary Champion. After winning the Ottawa qualifier last fall, Chef Lizardo Becerra of Raphaël ...
Even those of us who aren't big fans of winter are happy to see the canal opened, which means we can officially enjoy winter!
“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark…” but it’s not the Company of Adventurers’ production of Hamlet — returning for a limited engagement at The Gladstone Theatre from Jan. 17-18.
“Something is rotten in the state of Denmark…” but it’s not the Company of Adventurers’ production of Hamlet — returning for a limited engagement at The Gladstone Theatre from Jan. 17-18.