Iconic Doomsday Clock moves one second closer to midnight as global existential threats rage. Clock factors include nuclear ...
In April 2024, we were honored when Rachel Bronson invited us to contribute to the evolution of the iconic Doomsday Clock.
James E. Goodby has been a fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution since 2007. He works with former Secretary of State George P. Shultz on nuclear security issues. He served as Ambassador ...
Modeling System at the University of Colorado, Boulder.
Darya Dolzikova is a research fellow in proliferation and nuclear policy at the Royal United Services Institute in London.
We’re excited to welcome you to our growing community. Starting soon, we’ll be in your inbox on Mondays and Thursdays, bringing you a direct line to the best thinking on nuclear risk, climate change, ...
Pabian is senior geospatial information analyst at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Last year, he served as a visiting fellow at the Center for International Security and Cooperation at Stanford ...
Ulrich Kühn is the director of the Arms Control and Emerging Technologies Program at the University of Hamburg, and a nonresident scholar with the Nuclear Policy Program of the Carnegie Endowment for ...
Robert K. Elder is the President and CEO of Outrider. He previously served as Chief Digital Officer at the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. Elder has deep roots in the digital media and innovation ...
Murphy is the head of climate prediction at the Met Office, the official center for climate change research in Britain. There, he leads more than 20 scientists who work on ensemble climate prediction, ...
A biologist, Pearson directs the Center for Arms Control and Nonproliferation’s Biological and Chemical Weapons Control Program. His expertise is in biological and chemical weapons and arms control.
Doctoral student at Carnegie Mellon, is senior consulting scientist.