especulaciones sobre la supuesta falta de sintonía con el presidentecubano, su hermano Raúl Castro. El general Raúl Castro, de 77 años, fue designado por el lídercubano en julio de 2006 para cumplir ...
The Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha (APM) held its annual Sugarcane Festival in North Philadelphia on June 7 for the 10th year. The festival engaged the community with free live music, face ...
El Párkinson es una de las enfermedades de nuestro tiempo. Según la Parkinson’s Foundation, se calcula que alrededor de un millón de americanos conviven con esta enfermedad. Según las cifras que ...
Panama is an action thriller filmed in Puerto Rico and based on true events in 1989. The film tells the story of James Becker (Cole Hauser), a former Marine who is covertly sent to by his former ...
Dozens of pre-schools and daycare centers came together on Tuesday to sing, dance, draw and rally in Franklin Square Park as part of the Pre-K for PA campaign to influence voters and elected officials ...
The Puerto Rican singer joined other artists to help buy a new house for Mayah Zamora, a 10-year-old girl who lived near the perpetrator of the crime. The little girl was hospitalized for two months ...
Over the weekend, Willie Colón performed a special anniversary conert at the Coca-Cola Music Hall in honor of his classic album Asalto Navideño. Asalto Navideño 52 Aniversario was the headline of the ...
As students returned to their schools amidst what media and advocates have coined as “doomsday” budget cuts, parents, teachers and politicians throughout Philadelphia are struggling to remain positive ...
In previous administrations, the highest number of Latinos to serve in Cabinet-level positions was four. President Biden’s cabinet continues the same precedent. Biden promised to have an ...
Soccer icon Diego Maradona went beyond expressing his disappointment about Argentina’s defeat 1-0 in Sunday’s final against Germany, and also stated that Lionel Messi did not deserve to win the Golden ...
The Forge North startup coalition has announced that the MSP Equity Fund — the first known venture capital "fund of funds" in the country, made specifically to invest across race, location, and gender ...
A la afueras de Filadelfia, sentado sobre una butaca de madera en la sala de su casa, Severo Romero cuenta la historia de una pequeña figura de bronce que descansa a su lado. Es el bosquejo de otra ...