The final review process involved input from the Comprehensive Plan 2045 Steering Committee and detailed evaluations by Osceola’s Planning and Zoning Board. Once adopted, this plan will serve as a ...
A short agenda at the Jan. 23 meeting of the Osceola City Council meant more time to discuss everyone’s favorite subject - the city’s budget. Osceola City Administrator Ty Wheeler led the discussion ...
Clarke girls placed 12th at Centerville Girls Scramble on Thursday with a team score of six. Albia took first with 137.5 points, Van Buren second with 55.0 points and East Union third with 54.5.
In January, Osceola Chamber Main Street’s (OCMS) board of directors said farewell to five members - Nicole Jacobsen, First National Bank; Yolanda Rosales, Cactus Family Farms; Shane Simpson, Lakeside ...
Join LifeServe’s mission of saving lives this February: spread love by donating blood and help educate others on the importance of heart health. To schedule your lifesaving appointment, visit ...
On Sunday, Jan. 26, the local Knights of Columbus hosted the Knights of Columbus Free Throw Championship at Clarke High School. Nearly 40 local boys and girls aged nine to 14 showed up to try to earn ...