1. I can remember best by listening to a lecture that includes information, explanations and discussions. 2. I prefer to see information written on the board and supplemented by visual …
Remember, most people learn through a mixture of all three styles. Visual (V) = ________ Auditory (A) = ________ Kinesthetic (K) = ________ C. Read through the recommended …
Learning Styles Questionnaire . Honey & Mumford have looked at how people have their own preferred learning style. Those are referred to as Activist, Theorist, Pragmatist and Reflector …
The VARK Questionnaire: How Do I Learn Best? This questionnaire aims to find out something about your preferences for the way you work with information. You will have a preferred …
This questionnaire is designed to find out your preferred learning styles(s) as an adult. Over the years, you have probably developed learning habits that help you
The following table summarizes the observable characteristic indicative of the three learning styles. It provides an informal means of assessing your preferred approach to learning. …
Learning Style Quiz . Read the following questions and circle the letter of the best answer in your opinion. There is no right or wrong answers to this quiz. Just circle what you usually prefer. 1. …
When you have identified your learning style(s), read the learning styles explanations and consider how this might help you to identify learning and development that best meets your …
Compare your learning style to the teaching styles of your instructors. You can begin to see why may learn better from one instructor than another and why you feel more comfortable in certain
Characteristics of Learning Styles Three of your senses are primarily used in learning, storing, remembering, and recalling information. Your eyes, ears, and sense of touch play essential …